Čisto prva kracarija na temo dečka in neke stare hiše. / Very first doodle on the theme 'a boy' and 'an old house'.
Dve izmed lojter - prvi iz skicirke in drugi, ki sem ga naredila za mail na založbo. / Two storyboards - first is from the skecthbook and the second, more elaborate one, was made for the mail I sent to the publishing house. The ending was changed for safety reasons:)

In končno - luč na koncu tunela. Potem se je pa samo naredilo. / And finally I decided to use watercolors. The procedure was similar to the development of the photos in a dark room on the old way - images just appreared as if immersed into the developer:)

Na začetku so bile vse črnobele, potem so se pa pobarvale - kot stare fotografije:) / I began with black (my own mixture of umbras, van dyke browns and ivory blacks) and white, and added color later where I felt it was needed.

joj, tole je krasno, vedno je tako fino videt proces nastajanja :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala, Miha:) Je pa res vedno super videt, kako nastajajo ilustracije in knjige - en najbolj krasen blog obstaja o delu najboljših sodobnih avtorjev http://blog.picturebookmakers.com/
IzbrišiZelo priporočam!
Medtem ko čakava na "taprave", bi si privoščila tudi kakšno črnobelo lepotičko. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiO Maja kak postopek in koliko skic! Mene je kar sram :))
OdgovoriIzbrišiTu trabajo es hermoso, me encanta! :)
Your work on this book is so beautiful. Would be great to see your sketchbook pages as well.
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